Japan Trip Planning
Why buy maps and travel material when you can get them from the official source for free?
STEP 1- Find the contact page on the JNTO page:
[STEP 2]- Click on General Public Link.
[STEP 3]- Get to the Brochure Request page.
[STEP 4]- Fill out the survey + Submit!
I got mines in the mail in about a week or so.
If you're really short on time and can't wait for snail mail,
you can actually read, download, and print out FREE travel guides directly from JNTO's page!
Once you land, you can also seek out the nearest TIC (Tourist Information Center)
for free trip assistance as well.
Are you planning your first Japan adventure?
Please see my How-to plan your first Japan Trip like a pro page for in-depth planning tips
and a free printable check-list.